Over the years, literally
thousands of people have written or called with testimonials about their
successful usage of colloidal silver for a wide
range of health issues.
Everybody knows by now that colloidal silver is wonderful for healing
infections, and for preventing infections in cuts, scrapes and burns.
Most people know it can be used in the eyes and ears to stop an
infection, and even taken orally to help stimulate the immune system and
to reverse the
course of an internal infection.
It can even be inhaled into the lungs through the use of a nebulizer to heal
lung infections.But over the years, experienced colloidal silver users have found many additional uses for this amazing healing substance.
The idea that colloidal silver could stop a termite infestation doesn't
surprise me. After all, back in the late 1990's and early 2000's the
government was investigating the use of silver particles as a wood
preservative to help prevent termite infestation as well as mold
They discovered that ionic silver used as a wood preservative inhibited termite damage "with 100 percent mortality of termites."
The digestive systems of
termites contain protozoa that aid in the breakdown of cellulose into
more easily metabolized carbohydrates.
Because of its antimicrobial properties, silver has the potential to
dispose of these organisms in the termite gut, disrupting the digestive
cycle and
resulting in the death of the insect.
In other words, when the termites ate the silver-treated wood, the
silver killed the bacteria that live in the termite's gut. The termites
depend upon
these bacteria to process the wood they eat into life-sustaining
For example, the microbes assist in the breakdown of cellulose – a
major constituent of wood and other plant fibers – turning it into
carbohydrates, and
then into short-chain fatty acids which the termites thrive on.
So if the wood is drenched in silver, and the termites eat the silver,
it kills off the bacteria in their tiny gut which they depend upon for
conversion of their food to nutrition. No nutrition, they die. It's as
simple as that.
Testimony from Colloidal silver secrets.
In November 2009 I was in the morning breakfast
hot spot and as usual I was talking to a friend about
his health challenges unaware that a doctor’s wife was
After my friend left, the doctor’s
wife ask me if I knew anything that would cure MRSA.
I told her that I made something that should
help. She told me that her husband was a doctor and he
had MRSA. I offered to give her some Colloidal Silver
the next day.
When I arrived at the Nursing
Home and met her she was very upset. The doctors
overseeing her husband’s case had told her earlier
that morning that she needed to let him go because
there was nothing more that they could do for him, and
that they were withdrawing all his medications. He
also had a feeding tube.
I told her that I
could not tell her what to do for him, but I could
tell her what I would do for myself if I were in the
same situation. I gave her a dropper bottle of the
colloidal silver and said if it were me I’d put two
droppers of colloidal silver under my tongue every
hour as long as I was awake. The next day, and there
after, I would do it every two hours while I was
awake. If I had a feeding tube I would apply one
tablespoon through the tube three times a day.
After four days she called and said that they had
retested him for MRSA and he tested negative. She was
one happy lady!.