Monday, April 23, 2012

From Johnny Brinkmann

                                       Local Newspaper had an Interview with Elizabeth.

The Medical consultation was successful. We had to add on an extra day. It may have been the first introduction of Acupuncture in TZ. People could walk away without pain without taking any drugs. What a relief for one of them who had lived with pain for 6 years!
So you can expect a lot more in the future !

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

All world talk about detoxification.

All world talk about  detoxification.
Thousands, may be millions of people loose there’s money on programs which do not work! There is thousands of money makers out there with clever programs to pull money out of your pockets.
Here is what you need to know:
A healthy liver uses two mechanisms, called phase 1 and phase 11 detoxification to remove toxins.
In phase 1, your body`s enzymes ACTIVATE toxic substances to make them more accessible to phase 11. In phase 11, other enzymes convert toxins to more water sulable forms, which your body eliminates through urine or stool. Major phase 11 pathways include glutathone, sulfate, glycine, and glucuronide conjugation, individual xenobiotics and metabolites usually follow one or two distinct pathways.
It is two simple, inexpensive steps to detoxification!!
If you want to know more about it, book for appointment in Dar on 18th to 21st April 2012 at PATMO JUNIOR SCHOOL TABATA CHANG`OMBE  DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA.
Call  0713 306263 or 0763 578057 and meet your host and find the way to a more healthy and energetic “YOU”
A contribution from your host Johnny P. Brinkmann.

Monday, April 2, 2012


                   Preparation for 4days MEDICAL CONSULTATION in Dar es salaam Tanzania a machine from USA.

Out of all the millions who have symptoms of Macular degeneration. More than 12% are already blind. Do you want to know how to cut the risk for developing macular degeneration in half? or if you already have if how to improve or reverse your visual dysfunction and macular pigment density. This as well as cut the risk of cataracts

ARTHRITIS or is it wrong diagnostic? could it be FIBROMYALGIA?

Pain in the lower back: Is it a "Mechanical" problem or is it linked to the KIDNEY`?

Can i tell you about the Patient Sammy ( Name changed) who initially consulted me for erectile dysfunction, hypertension, elevated cholesterol and type 2 Diabetes?

If you want answers on your question  and a solution to your problems, please book for an appointment in Dar es salaam on 18/ 04/ 2012 to 21/ 04/ 2012 at PATMO JUNIOR SCHOOL TABATA.

Our Mobile  number is  0763 578057 or 0713 306263  OR  or 

visit our page on Facebook cornwelltanzania

Dr  Checking if everything arrived safe.

      Dr Checking one of the machine if is working properly

 You can not afford to miss this if you really want answers for you health problems.

With our advanced Digital Meridian Imaging Equipment we can make visuable the exact condition of the organ of your body. This include the condition of your spine. The only equipment of this kind in East Africa imported from USA.

Complete consultation include advice for treatment or medication if needed is 30,000/= Tsh.

A wide range of our products will be available, This includes treatment for MEN`S WEAKNESS and IMMUNODEFICIENT VIRUSES.