Saturday, February 18, 2017

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Sexual enhancement for woman, For woman who wants a strong desire to fulfill their men. A natural remedy.


Silver inhibits the grown of bacteria by deactivating the bacteria`s oxygen metabolism enzymes. In turn, this destroys the bacteria`s cell membranes, stopping the replication of the bacteria`s DNA.
Source – Accupoll Precision Research, April 2003 Beiersdort, Inc”.
Minerals, especially trace minerals, are more important for the body than vitamins, because without minerals, vitamin cannot be utilized. Research has shown a direct correlation between mineral and vitamin deficiencies and illnesses. CHELATED minerals allow only 40-60% absorption whereas COLLOIDAL minerals have a 98-100% absorption. Commercial colloidal silver has been around since the last 1800`s. It was approved by FDA (Food and drug administration, USA) in the 1920`s as a safe antibiotic.
A daily dose of colloidal silver improves the immune system resulting more energy, vitality, quicker healing and a reduction of bodily toxins.
Research indicates colloidal silver may:*
   · Support proper immune function
        · Hunt down and kill the bad bacteria`s without damaging good bacteria`s in                 the digestive tract.
        · Settle indigestion
        · Promote restful sleep
        · Inhibits the reproduction of bacteria.
*Canty LM, Baranowskiz, Colloidal silver, The antibiotic alternative. The colloid Research Foundation, Carmighael, CA,1994. USA. 
Suggested Use:
2-4 tea spoon a day on empty stomach for prevention.
4 table spoon a day 40PPM or more for treatment. Ask for advice.
Children from age 6-12,  ½ dosage.
Vaginal yeast infection:  2table spoon 40 PPM. Use as wash, insert and spray
Urinal tract and bladder infection: 2x2 table spoon for up to ten days.
For topical use, wounds, infection, spray  3x a day
For use on eyes, nose, ears, spray or drop  3x a day
Bleeding gum/ Mouth infection: 1 table spoon  as a mouth- wash.

Do not use Colloidal silver if you are allergic to contact with silver metals.
Colloidal silver has been reputed to be successful used against more than 650 diseases. Please ask your supplier for advice.
*Use of nebulizer:
 Breathing a silver solution is the fastest and most-direct delivery method into the blood stream. Breathing also known as nebulizing. Completely by passes the time involved for absorption  through the digestive system and also eliminates the interaction of the silver ions with other contents in the stomach.

2 times the Protein of Yogurt
7 times the Vitamin C of Oranges
3 times the Potassium of Bananas
4 times the Vitamin A of Carrots
4 times the Calcium of Milk

increase the natural defence of the body
provide nourishment to the eyes and the brain
promotes metabolism with bio-available ingredients
promotes the same structure of the body
promotes natural serum cholesterol
lowers the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
promotes the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys
beautifies the skin
promotes energy
promotes proper digestion
actsas antioxidants
promotes healthy circulatory system
it is an ant-inflammatory
Has Omega 9, Oleic acid
Capsules without fillers 100% natural

2 t

2 t