Friday, March 28, 2014

Become a distributor for our products.

Silver inhibits the grown of bacteria by deactivating the bacteria`s oxygen metabolism enzymes. In turn, this destroys the bacteria`s cell membranes, stopping the replication of the bacteria`s DNA.
Source – Accupoll Precision Research, April 2003 Beiersdort, Inc”.
Minerals, especially trace minerals, are more important for the body than vitamins, because without minerals, vitamin cannot be utilized. Research has shown a direct correlation between mineral and vitamin deficiencies and illnesses. CHELATED minerals allow only 40-60% absorbation whereas COLLOIDAL minerals have a 98-100% absorbation. Commercial colloidal silver has been around since the last 1800`s. It was approved by FDA ( Food and drug administration, USA) in the 1920`s as a safe antibiotic.
A daily dose of colloidal silver improves the immune system resulting more energy, vitality, quicker healing and a reduction of bodily toxins.
Research indicates colloidal silver may:*
·         Support proper immune function
·         Hunt down and kill the bad bacteria`s without damaging good bacteria`s in the digestive tract.
·         Settle indigestion
·         Promote restful sleep
·         Inhibits the reproduction of bacteria.
*Canty LM, Baranowskiz, Colloidal silver, The antibiotic alternative. The colloid Research Foundation, Carmighael, CA,1994. USA. 
Suggested Use:
2-4 tea spoon a day 20PPM on empty stomach for preventation.
4 table spoon a day 40PPM or more for treatment. Ask for advice.
Children from age 6-12  ½ dosage.
Vaginal yeast infection:  2table spoon 40 PPM mixed with 250ml distilled water. Use as wash and spray
Urinal tract and bladder infection: 1 single dose of 100ml 20 PPM for up to ten days.
For topical use, wounds, infection, spray 20 PPM 3x a day
For use on eyes, nose, ears, spray or drop 20 PPM 3x a day
Bleeding gum/ Mouth infection: 1 table spoon 20 PPM as a mouth- wash, mixed with 50ml distilled water 2x a day.
Do not use Colloidal silver if you are allergic to contact with silver metals.
Colloidal silver has been reputed to be successful used against more than 650 diseases. Please ask your supplier for advice.
*Use of nebulizer: Breathing a silver solution is the fastest and most-direct delivery method into the blood stream. Breathing also known as nebulizing. Completely by passes the time involved for absorption  through the digestive system and also eliminates the interaction of the silver ions with other contents in the stomach use 20 PPM.
                                                 COLLOIDAL SILVER IN 10PPM
                                               COLLOIDAL SILVER 5PPM

Medicated Shampoo

A strong natural Antibiotic.

Flax seed oil   .       

KIB 500:
KIB500 develop this remarkable anti-pathogen 'nature identical' system. It has already generated positive trial results, and it is already known to kill a wide range of microorganisms in vitro, among them being the following:

  • Escherichia coli
  • Yersinia enterocolitica
  • Klebsiella pnemoniae
  • Klebsiella oxytoca
  • Streptococcus agalactiae
  • Streptoccus mutans
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Salmonella species
  • Shigella sonnei
  • Listeria  monocytogenes
  • Acinetobacter species
  • Neisseria  species
  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • Helcobacter pylori
  • Campylobacter jejuni
  • Aeromonas hydrophilia
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Capnocytophaga ochracea
  • Selenomonas sputigen
  • Wolinella recta
  • Enterbacter cloacae  
  • Herpes  simplex 
  • Herpes  zoster
  • Immunodeficient virus
  • Respiratory syncytical virus
  • Candida Albicans
 Several controlled clinical trials have been carried out using Kib500 to treat a range of acute and chronic infectious conditions.
Kib500 treatment has been available to practitioners and integrated medical healthcare professional since  2005.

When Kib 500 is used the OSCN ions are like many billions of smart missiles which only kill pathogens, without harming host or symbionts.

It is recommended that  Kib500 is used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.


 When immune system is weakened, by factors that directly or indirectly result from our nutritional status, the nutrient materials for repair, replacement and energy production for the immune cells are not absorbed from our food leaving us in short supply. In this situation, the pathogens present in the body multiply freely and quickly and those from outside enter and multiply freely taking root quickly.As a result infections take over and disease is inevitable. This is especially the case in viral infections.
 The role of the OxyThiocyanate  as designed in the KIB nutritional supplement, is therefore to come to the aid of the weakened immune system, quick boosting it many times fold and enabling it to successfully fight against the viral infection.

To abide with Tanzanian regulations we make no claim about what KIB can do.  We leave that people and there are many happy people who have used KIB and are very excited with the results. Soon I will post the testimonials  from those  who are  have been taking KIB.

It is impossible for the pathogen to build up resistance to the OxyThiocyanate, because the OxyThiocyanate in the KIB is the same as the oxythiocyanate  normally produced by the immune system. In the immune system Oxythiocyanate was not designed to target any specific pathogens . This means that anti-biotic resistant strains of pathogens are affectively attacked through the normal function of the now highly boosted immune system.

Is mainly known to affect the lungs, but the infection can move to parts of the body like kidneys, intestines, liver and affecting bones. Tuberculosis is a highly contagious disease and produced by bacteria.

Unable to breath, fever, cronic fatique, chest pain, weight loss, sometimes spitting blood coughing.
It is recommended to isolate the person and separate clothes from other laundry.

Tuberculosis  is a highly contagious disease and must be consulted by a physician.


An Abscess is the accumulation of pus in a given part of the body, whether internal or external. It frequently occurs in the gums.
The most common symptoms are : Fever, irritation, inflammation and pain. Abscesses can form in any part of the body: the skin, the brain, the arms, the gums, the teeth, the stomach lining, the kidneys or the ears.

The most common cause is infection produced by bacteria, fungi and viruses which enters the body different ways: by injury or direct contact.

How effective treatment with KIB can be, shows on treatments for Asthma. :  KIB are used many different ways, by the treatment of Asthma, it is partly heated, (steamed) and taken by glass. Asthma is an illness characterized by episodes of breathing difficulty accompanied with the sensation of suffocating due to the restricted respiratory tract inside the lungs.
The causes are: Allergies, air pollution, respiratory infections, stress or anxiety producing spasm (involuntary contractions) of the muscle that surround the bronchi and not allowing air to enter  the lungs.
KIB + a combination of other supplements has made the treatment with KIB to be an relief for the many.
Diabetes most frequently found in adults is diabetes mellitus type 2, type one is found in children.

Treatment with KIB500 together with minerals and other supplements has been proved as effective on both type of diabetes.

The world health Organization defines diabetes in the following manner:  Diabetes mellitus is a state of chronic hyperglycemia produced by various factors: genetic,nutritional, etc.

The symptoms can be many, but in the extremities of the chronically sick can be formation of skin ulcers and gangrene due to failure in the blood supply, due to arteriosclerosis and hypertension in this parts of the body. This can lead to serous consequences like amputations.

Vision can also be affected by chronic diabetes without any symptoms at the beginning. Diabetes is main cause of blindness in adults.

Next :  KIB 500  Has been a revolution in many peoples life and wellness.


                                                IMMUNSUPPORT COMPLEX.
Our Immunsupport contains:
Vitamin A (Acetate), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine HCL), Vitamin B12 ( Cynocobalamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Vitamin B3 ( Nicotinamide), Vitamin B5 (Calcium Pantothanate), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin HCL), Biotin, Vitamin C ( Calcium Ascorbbate), Calcium ( Citrate), Folacin ( Folic Acid), Iron ( Glucate), L- Glutamine, Magnisium ( Citrate), Molybednium (Ammonium Molybdate), Selenium( Methiorine), Zink (Citrate), Chromium( Picolinate), N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, Iodine (Potassium lodide), Vitamin K1, Manganese (Citrate), Boron (as Bric Acid), Vitamin D2, Vitamin E ( D- Alpha Tocopherol), L-Tryptophan (EP Grade), Capsule Shell: Vegetable Cellulose.

 Immunsupport is a very powerful supplement which  help to build the immune system.

The use of IMMUNSUPPORT supplements, COLLOIDAL SILVER, ASCORBIC ACID  Together will boost your immunity, and  with  KIB500 will result health improvement for HIV, Cancer, Herpes simplex and other diseases which caused by virus, fungus and bacteria`s 

                                                  ASCORBIC ACID ( VITAMIN C)


Immune support for Diabetic
This product has the international classfication SUPERFOOD may be the best of all SUPERFOODS

2 times the Protein of Yogurt
7 times the Vitamin C of Oranges
3 times the Potassium of Bananas
4 times the Vitamin A of Carrots
4 times the Calcium of Milk

increase the natural defence of the body
provide nourishment to the eyes and the brain
promotes metabolism with bio-available ingredients
promotes the same structure of the body
promotes natural serum cholestrol
loweres the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
promotes the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys
beautifies the skin
promotes energy
promotes proper digestion
actsas antioxidants
promotes healthy circulatory system
it is an ant-inflammatory
Has Omega 9, Oleic acid
Capsules without fillers 100% natural

    -Prostate, colon, rectal, stomach,
    -breast, lung.
High blood pressure
    -hardening of the arteries
High cholesterol
    -poor blood circulation in the
      legs(peripheral arterial disease {PAD})

Improve or Reverses Alzheimer’s Disease
Improve type 2 and type 1 Diabetes
Improve or Heals many skin diseases
Fungal infections
Keratosis Polaris
Kills Candida Fungus
Increase metabolism
Conditional and strength hair
Improve Dandruff
Promotes Weight loss
Beneficial for pets
Arthritis treatment


A special program for those who have been suffering from diabetic. For more information you can contact us.  

More information about our products and how you can be a distributor,  email us 
or call us +255 763 578057, +255 655 289893, +255 713 306263

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How important Coconut is for you

Dr Johnny P. Brinkmann
Given the many times that experts have touted the benefits of consuming more fruits and vegetables, it should come as no surprise to learn that coconuts posses some amazing benefits. A tropical fruit that is a versatile as it is unusual, coconuts are now processed around the world to produce a number of products, including sugar, soap, milk, cosmetic products, butter, flour and the ever-popular, coconut oil. Given the popularity and widespread availability of these various products that utilize coconuts and their benefits, it can sometimes be easy to overlook these round, hard-skinned fruits in their more natural state.

Eating fresh coconuts, as a sizable portion of the world's population does as part of their daily diet, according to the Coconut Research Center, reaps many benefits that people will find attractive. Just a few of these advantages are outlined below.

Improves functioning of the brain

Just one serving of the fresh, white, fragrant coconut meat provides a person with 17% of their daily supply of copper. This trace mineral is responsible for activating enzymes that then trigger neurotransmitter production. These neurotransmitters are responsible for transferring information from cell to cell. This finding shows great promise in keeping age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer's, at bay.

Manage weight

As the world's people become heavier, obesity brings crushing health issues that are both short, and long, term. A study in the June 2006 issue of Ceylon Medical Journal found that a dietary fat called medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) is found in abundant quantities in coconut. MCTs are known to aid significantly in the loss of weight given the speed at which the human body can metabolize them. MCTs have also been shown to help curb hunger pangs more effectively than those long-chain triglycerides such as the ones found in dairy products and meats.

Improve cardiovascular health

Another way the MCTs in coconuts have been shown to improve health is in reducing the total amounts of cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. A study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition in October 2008 showed that volunteers who consumed MCTs as a part of a weight loss plan that was to last for four months showed a significant reduction in the amounts of harmful cholesterol levels in their blood.

Add fiber

Just one cup of coconut meat has been shown to contain seven grams of fiber, This is according to the USDA National Nutrient Database. Most people already know that fiber helps keep the intestinal tract healthy and guards against constipation; fiber also helps protect people from diabetes, boosts their immune systems, lower the LDL cholesterol levels in blood and reduce blood sugar levels.

Adding just a few cups of raw, natural coconut to the diet several times a week can reap huge benefits for people. From children to centenarians, coconuts provide health benefits that cannot be overlooked.


For more information and help from our Dr, call us 0655 289893, Kigamboni Dar es salaam Tanzania.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Food which Minimize the risk of cancer

With 44% of men and 39% of women now being diagnosed with cancer, it has become more important than ever to understand the foods that will not only nourish your body, but also detoxify it of any cancer causing agents. Here are some of the most potent cancer destroying foods and herbs.

Sea Vegetables
Kelp, kombu, and nori are three of the more common sea vegetables with remarkable effects on cancer. They are one of the richest and most bioavailable sources of iodine, a substance lacking in the average diet that is implicated in many patients with breast and ovarian cancer.
They are also rich in calcium and potassium, as well as all minerals, which assist in promoting a very alkaline environment, which makes it very difficult for existing cancer to survive.

Chlorella and spirulina are two of the most potent algae and are proven cancer fighters.
Due to their incredible detoxification action (including binding to and eliminating heavy metals) and immune boosting properties (by promoting production of healthy gut flora and fighting candida overgrowth), they are a must have when healing cancer.
Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage have been linked to lower cancer risks and have the ability to halt growth of cancer cells for tumors in the breast, uterine lining, lung, colon, liver, and cervix.
It appears that a phytochemical called sulforaphane can stimulate enzymes that detoxify carcinogens before they damage cells, as well as indole 3-carbinol and crambene, which are also suspected of activating detoxification enzymes.

Medicinal Mushrooms
Medicinal mushrooms such as reishi and chaga have had a number of bioactive molecules, including anti-tumor agents, identified in their structure. These bioactive compounds include polysaccharides, alkaloids, tocopherols, phenolics, flavonoids, carotenoids, folates, ascorbic acid enzymes, and organic acids.
Studies show that long-term consumption of reishi prevents tumor proliferation and growth by increasing the level of antioxidants in an individual's blood plasma while boosting the immunity of those suffering from advanced stage cancer.

Aloe Vera
Research shows strong immunomodulatory and anti-tumor properties for polysaccharides in aloe vera, which means it boosts immune system function and destroys cancer tumors.
A study in International Immunopharmacology showed that aloe vera polysaccharides exhibited potent macrophage activating activities including producing increased volumes of nitric oxide, which has anti-tumor potential.
The hemp plant contains some of the most balanced and richest sources of oils on the planet, with an ideal ratio of 3:1 for omega 6 to omega 3. Hemp seed oil also contains 80% essential fatty acids, the highest of any plant.
Essential fatty acids are fundamental to immune function due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory fatty acids, which helps oxidize the cells and restores health at a cellular level. Since cancer cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment, the superb EFA content in hemp makes it a great option for healing cancer.

A double blind, randomized study with over 3000 human subjects for seven clinical years showed that cancer risk was cut by 60% for those with the highest intake of allium containing vegetables, including aged garlic.
The miracle nutrient appears to be the enzyme alliinase (a nutrient in the Allium genus) which produces the anti-cancer compounds. The key is to crush it and let it sit for 15 minutes in order to release these anti-cancer compounds.
The Life Extension Foundation has conducted extensive research into the anti-cancer properties of turmeric and found that it targets 10 causative factors involved in cancer development, including DNA damage, chronic inflammation, and disruption of cell signaling pathways.
Hundreds of studies have also shown that curcumin is a potent anti-cancer food that blocks cancer development in a number of unique ways.
I hope this inspires you to trust nature, so we can start to reverse these scary statistics.
For more information call us 0763 578057 or 0655 389893.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Danger of taking much proteine in mid age. New report.

DELHI: Eating a diet rich in animal proteins -
both meat and dairy products - during middle ages
causes as much risk of cancer as smoking, a new study
has found. This startling result emerges from a two
decade long study of over six thousand people carried
out by University of South Carolina (USC) scientists.
It is for the first time that a definitive correlation
between high protein consumption and mortality risk
has been shown. Earlier research gave conflicting
answers and many popular diets like Atkin's
recommended a high protein diet. The present study is
published in the journal Cell Metabolism.
"Almost everyone is going to have a cancer cell or pre-
cancer cell in them at some point. The question is:
Does it progress?" said corresponding author Valter
Longo, professor of biogerontology at the USC Davis
School of Gerontology and director of the USC
Longevity Institute. "Turns out one of the major factors
in determining if it does is is protein intake."
Not only is excessive protein consumption linked to a
dramatic rise in cancer mortality, but middle-aged
people who eat lots of proteins from animal sources—
including meat, milk and cheese—are also more
susceptible to early death in general, reveals the study.
Protein-lovers were 74 percent more likely to die of
any cause within the study period than their more
low-protein counterparts. They were also several times
more likely to die of diabetes.
"There's a misconception that because we all eat,
understanding nutrition is simple. But the question is
not whether a certain diet allows you to do well for
three days, but can it help you survive to be 100?" said
Rather than look at adulthood as one monolithic phase
of life, as other researchers have done, the latest study
considers how biology changes as we age, and how
decisions in middle life may play out across the
human lifespan.
In other words, what's good for you at one age may be
damaging at another. Protein controls the growth
hormone IGF-I, which helps our bodies grow but has
been linked to cancer susceptibility. Levels of IGF-I
drop off dramatically after age 65, leading to potential
frailty and muscle loss. The study shows that while
high protein intake during middle age is very harmful,
it is protective for older adults: those over 65 who ate
a moderate- or high-protein diet were less susceptible
to disease.
Crucially, the researchers found that plant-based
proteins, such as those from beans, did not seem to
have the same mortality effects as animal proteins.
Rates of cancer and death also did not seem to be
affected by controlling for carbohydrate or fat
consumption, suggesting that animal protein is the
main culprit.
Longo's findings support recommendations from
several leading health agencies to consume about 0.8
grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every
day in middle age. For example, a 130-pound person
should eat about 45-50 grams of protein a day, with
preference for those derived from plants such as
legumes, Longo explains.
The researchers define a "high-protein" diet as deriving
at least 20 percent of calories from protein, including
both plant-based and animal-based protein. A
"moderate" protein diet includes 10-19 percent of
calories from protein, and a "low-protein" diet includes
less than 10 percent protein.