Wednesday, February 15, 2012


White food generally refers to foods that are white in colour and that have been processed and refined, like refined flour or Maida and all maida based products, Polished rice, white breads, refined  and processed cereals, Sugar in all forms and salt.
The overuse of these “white” foods is causing devastating effects and affecting our population, taking our medical costs up many folds and exposing us to lifestyle disorders at epidemic levels. You will be able to find the evidence to this statement if you just look around.
I am sure you will be able to find people around you who are Obese and overweight, Diabetic, Heart Patients, Nervous and Depressed, Stressed.

Refined Flour comes from wheat that has been processed and refined in several stages. Refining and processing of whole grains results in losses of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, fiber, antioxidants, probiotics, proteins, essential fats and phytonutrients. The golden colour of wheat from the husk which contains lots of good vitamins, minerals and fibre is stripped off. The stripping of the nutrients leaves the flour only high in empty calories without much nutrition and  flavour. So then, the need to add artificial colouring and flavouring…..
The irony of manufacturing is that all the natural goodness is first removed and then, sometimes replaced back by artificial enrichment.

Don’t be AMAZED if I tell you that “Salt is a learned taste, not a natural one.”
The truth is that table salt is not healthy………. not because of the sodium in it, but because it usually is without the normal mineral balance. In fact, sodium is necessary to maintain equilibrium – fluid balance, electrolyte balance and pH (acid/alkaline) balance – which are all of the utmost importance to the body.
Table salt is again a stripped, refined version of natural salt. Pure sea salts contain as many as 92 essential minerals; however, refined common table salts contain only 2 elements, sodium and chloride. Common table salt unfortunately also contains aluminum used as an anti-caking agent. Aluminum is a toxic metal that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and has no place in a healthy diet.
Whole sea salts have those important minerals such as potassium and magnesium still intact. The synergistic effect of all the minerals in whole,unrefined salt helps the body to stay in balance.
Unrefined salt does not cause high blood pressure whereas regular refined salt does. All the scientific studies that have been done showing that salt “causes” high blood pressure were  probably done on people, who took regular, refined salt

 OH!!!! We can talk about sugar endlessly!!!
In the natural form, glucose or sugar, is an essential nutrient.The central nervous system ie our brain needs glucose to function properly. Our muscles and our heart requires energy continuously in the form of glucose too……..
But currently, the over-consumption of table sugar and its natural as well as its synthetic alternatives is going overboard…… All of these have empty calories, little or no nutritional value, and further rob nutrients from the body.
The bad effects of sugar on our body are never ending………….Sugar can decrease growth hormone, can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children, can interfere with the absorption of protein, contributes to diabetes and cardiovascular disease, can contribute to eczema in children, can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children and adults, contributes to osteoporosis, cause lowered immunity and infection fighting capacity………… the list just goes on……